
1. Extraordinary
2. Amazingly Good. Wonderful.
Browsing category: Inspire-Me, Wellbeing

Top 5 Detox tips


1) Start with Hot Lemon and Water: a great way to kick start your day.


2) Eliminate Wheat, Dairy and Sugar these are all quite toxic and acidic to the system.


3) Swap one of your meals for a Green Smoothie..this is will help boost your immunity, energy, burn fat, and get your skin glowing.


4) Drink 1 glass of Aloe Vera every day it contains a multitude of vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, B1, B2, B3, B6 and is one of the few plants that contains vitamin B12, which helps with brain and nervous system function and also mineral-rich, containing calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, and potassium, as well as being packed with amino and fatty acids ..need I say more.


5) Body brushing is an effective, and affordable way to get rid of built up toxins, combat cellulite boost circulation and smooth out flaky skin.





7 Ways to Make 2014 Wonderful

1) Express gratitude on a daily basis… give thanks to the things you HAVE in your life.


2) Make time to sweat…Try to pencil in some sort of physical activity at least a few times a week.


3) Eat an abundance of delicious, organic fruits and vegetables- rich in nutrients and

anti-oxidants, as well as fresh juices.


4)  Set aside 15-20 minutes a day of ALONE time…this will quiet the mind, center your thoughts, help you relax and keep you sane.


5) A guiding light like a daily mantra, written objective or affirmation will help give a deep level of focus to achieving a long term goal.


6) Get your zzzz – Getting quality sleep boosts your productivity, mood, and energy levels the next day. Make sure you are getting at least 7-8.  Also proper sleep keeps you looking youthful, and rested.


7) Step outside of your comfort zone and break free from the fear thats been holding you back.  Have the courage to do whatever it is you want to do and your bravery will reward you.  We all have at least one desire we would like to conquer today… my advice: Set an intention, have a deep level of focus, be grateful, have a purpose and take daily action.

Happy New Year


“You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, and the people you meet. You are what you take from these. You are a collective of every experience you have ever had in your life. You are every second of every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of experience and existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colors fill your mind until they overflow and you have no choice but to create and show the world who you have become”  ~Author Unknown


Destiny & Desire


I am on Day 14 of Deepak Chopra and Oprah’s Destiny & Desire 21 day Meditation Challenge, and so far I am LOVING it!  Its all about connecting with your deepest desire, helping you unlock your greatest potential and turn dreams into reality.  Each session is around 20 minutes ( I love starting my day with it) with Oprah speaking and than Chopra explaining the new centring thought of that day, digging deeper into ourselves each day.  I only have 8 days left, and I will continue to make it apart of my daily AM routine.  I highly recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to bring more awareness, insight, creativity, calmness, & inspiration in their life. Namaste ;-)



The Magic


How many times have you said “Thank you” today?  When you woke up this morning were you grateful for the day ahead?  Are you thankful that you have a job, food on the table, hot water and electricity a roof over your head, clothing, the blue sky ect?  This book focuses on how gratitude plays a major role in the law of attraction. I’ve always practiced the Law of attraction in my life, long before the book The Secret was released. I believe it is the reason many of my dreams coming true. What I like about this book and other books on this subject is they give me a refresher and after reading a few pages instantly make my day better.  Even long after doing the 28 day exercise I still use express daily gratitude and have a gratitude journal.  If you do as the book says, and continue with her suggestions, I truly believe it will change your life for the better.



Unlock your greatest potential


The Soul Leader ship is a brilliant book.  I love the work of Deepak Chopra and think everyone should read this and learn more about unlocking your greatest potential through leadership.  Its a great guide to getting peace and clarity the soul brings to any vision, decision, action, impulse or non action.  I have book marked my favorite bits if I want to  delve back in when I need a reminder.



12 Steps to better health

1) H20 drink more of it

2) Increase Whole Grains

3) Eat more sweet Vegetables

4) Increase lots of leafy greens

5) Experiment with Protein

6) Eat less Processed, refined sugar

7) Nurture your body

8) Have Healthy Relationships

9) Practise cooking at home

10) Make time for Physical Activity at least a few times a week and stick to it.

11)Find work you love

12) Develop a spiritual practise.