
1. Extraordinary
2. Amazingly Good. Wonderful.



Smoothie Power

577911_408623289233823_1050086392_nStarting your day with a Vegetable Smoothie is a great way to get some of your daily dose in one hit- as well as being very alkalizing and filling you up.   Within 20 minutes of drinking your juice, the nutrients are already working your arteries and eins and the absorbtion rate is 99% as oppose to 50% when eaten raw.  Here is another recipe to try out , Blend or Juice : 1 Cucumber, 2 Tomato’s, 1 avocado, 1 Handful of Kale or Spinach, Half Red Pepper, 1 Scoop of Mega Greens or Clean and Lean. If you have this or a green type of smoothie mostly veggie based every day- you will soon see and feel the benefits.


Make room for magnesium in your life.

602761_408147389281413_255308698_nMagnesium is a vital mineral that helps play an in important role on our over all health and well-being. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include “transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.” I take 250-500mg a day as well as getting it from foods such as almonds, whole grains, fish, and green leafy vegetables.